Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The CR12J2 Mystery - SOLVED

One line solution: Get yourself a new power supply, a good one.

Thanks to Subodh who helped me fix this. So, took my rig to his place. He looked at it and disconnected the existing power supply and replaced a new one. Everything worked like a miracle. Of course, we had to set a few other things right in the rig. But the culprit for the CR12J2 was just the power supply. If you encounter it, I would strongly suggest changing the power supply.

And, do let me know if that works for you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Never been to your blog before, but thought I'd stop by and tell you that I had the same problem with my computer.

My computer locked up, and I pressed and held my power button to turn off my computer. Afterward, when I pressed the power button, the fans inside the case would spin for a split second before turning off.

I figured it was the power supply, but I wasn't sure.

I googled the LED light that stayed lit up, the one in the title of your post, and your site is one that I found.

Ultimately, it was the power supply as I thought, but I'm glad I found your site so I could be less annoyed by the situation. I wasn't sure whether it was the power supply or the motherboard at first, so after finding your blog, I felt a little better.

Anyway, just wanted to respond here since your site helped me. Also, I figure if someone else has the same problem, seeing your post and my comment may set their mind at ease, as replacing a power supply is cheap and very easy, compared to just about anything else in a computer.

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