Sunday, July 11, 2004

Big Doggy

Well, the last weekend has been a pretty uneventful weekend for most part. I did go out on Saturday evening with Srikar to see Troy again. While getting back home got a little wet in the rain. I really enjoy getting wet in the rain, but driving is a bit difficult. (FYI, I was on my "bird")

Sunday also went unevnetful for most part. In the evening I went to the garage to check out the status of my car and also to pay up the rent. I was walking on one of the small roads near my home and lo! there was a big dog that came running on the opposite side of the road. I just passed it without giving a second thought, but soon I realized that the dog had turned back and had started licking my legs. I tried to get away and thought of running, but soon realized that it would be futile as the dog was pretty huge and looked capable of out-running me.

So I stood my ground and tried to scare it. (All dogs are basically cowardly, until you show that you are afraid, they tend to be a little scared) It just didnt relent and held me tight with its fore-limbs. I just couldnt move and felt the dog is trying to scratch my legs. This went on for about 2 min. I did try to struggle a little bit and also tried hitting the dog, but it was not giving up as well.

Finally, to my relief, the dog's master came out of the house and called it in. With much reluctance, the dog did go back inside. Luckily, I escaped without being bitten by the dog.

Apparently, the owner of the dog didnt even have the courtesy to apologize for the dog's behavior. I should have fought with him, but was so scared at that point, I just walked away. I gave him one of my glares though. I wonder what would have happened if someone who was more scared or a small child had been attacked by that dog in my place. Some of the Bangaloreans dont even have the decency to do leash their dogs or atleast, keep it in good control inside the house.


pras said...


One thing is fairly clear. You must be one of those "proud" dog-owners who are happy seeing their dog attacking innocent people on the road and waiting till the limit before calling it in.

Subhash Chandra said...

Prass that dog must have seen ur "bird" and wated a immediate change of its owner. So thats why he was pleading u take home ;-).

On a serious note the owner should have at least given apologize, but we know most of them wouldn't and this is no surprises to me.

Kabeer Ahmed said...

Dog owners' , most of them to my knowledge lack courtesy completely. Similar situation occurred with me when I found my news paper waala on the road. Newspaper waala was expecting the monthly bill from me. I stopped by to pay him and both of us had a good dance running around our own vehicles to keep the dog out of our reach. You see, we usually lack time to book a case against such dog owners'. This dog owner took his car out and himself struggled with the dog to get it in. Drove the car reluctantly without even glancing at us as if nothing has happened.

Kabeer Ahmed said...

Dog owners' , most of them to my knowledge lack courtesy completely. Similar situation occurred with me when I found my news paper waala on the road. Newspaper waala was expecting the monthly bill from me. I stopped by to pay him and both of us had a good dance running around our own vehicles to keep the dog out of our reach. You see, we usually lack time to book a case against such dog owners'. This dog owner took his car out and himself struggled with the dog to get it in. Drove the car reluctantly without even glancing at us as if nothing has happened.

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