Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Taro root Fry

One of my rare cooking experiments happened yesterday. I tried my hand at preparing Taro root fry. It is a simple dish to prepare, but there were other factors that had to be overcome, particularly because the last time I prepared it, it turned out to be a disaster (well, not exactly, but my wife didn't like it). For starters, the recipe from Shyamala Ramanathan-Edwards was of great help.

The key in preparing Taro-root is to boil it long enough so that it is cooked but not longer as it can get sticky. I think I overdid the boiling bit a little but managed it somehow.

The "dry batter" mix specified in the above recipe turned out to be the killer. I managed to get the ingredients and the preparation part right and when I had started frying, my wife returned home from work. The smell of the fry seemed to have attracted her taste buds and she was ready to try it this time. It turned out to be crispy and a little hard and it tasted great. My wife was impressed and I can eat more of one of my all time favorite veggies.

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